Christian Devotionals

Cheryl writes: ""The Lord saved me when I was 30. I am now 68. I have been writing poetry since I was saved. I have been married to my husband Marcelo (also a believer) for 48 years. We live in Arizona. We have 3 children, 6 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart, soul, and strength, and living for Him is my greatest desire.  In 2014, I wrote and had published a book called, 'Tali's Mysterious Dream', (thank you Jesus)!"

By Cheryl A. Mariano AKA Cheremiah

Some time ago there was an expression that went like this.  “When life tosses you a lemon, why not make lemonade?”  Well here is my recipe.

“How To Make Lemonade”

1 lemon squeezed till all the juice is out
Remove seeds and excess pulp
2 cups of water
3/4 cup of sugar
Put in a quart container
Stir with a spoon
Pour over ice
Serve with lemon slice garnish

How To Make Spiritual Lemonade

1 Broken Heart, squeezed till it hurts
Remove Doubt and excess Self-pity
2 cups of Tears
3/4 cup of Confusion
Put into a pitcher of Despair
Stir with Hope
Pour over Trust in God
Serve with Faith

Rejoice in the Lord always:  and again I say, Rejoice.  Philippians 4:4

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