Christian Poetry
Poems by Deborah Taylor

Deborah writes: "I have just published my 1st self-published book: THE LORD IS OUR DEFENSE, Volume 1. I am now in the process of publishing THE LORD IS OUR DEFENSE, Volume 2 & Volume 3. I'm hoping these books will be completed in time for future book signings before Christmas. The HOLY SPIRIT continues to pour poems daily and I am typing them as fast as I can. I will be publishing them as HE provides. I have a new website:, where you can send comments, prayer requests, praise reports & sign my Guest Book. I will be updating my Book Signings & Speaking engagements on my site also. My books are available at, Books A Million & Barnes & Noble. I have many Book signings scheduled for the next few weeks and I am stuck in awe at what God is doing. I have received many praise reports, testimonies & stories of people re-dedicating their lives and entire families getting saved, delivered, healed and baptized. GLORY TO GOD!"

Only Your Voice
By Deborah Taylor

ABBA, not my will, but Thine be done. 
I surrender in obedience, in the Name of Your Son. 
I thank You for everything You have given me;
For health and provision, for life eternally.
I only want to do what You called me to do;
I need to feel Your Presence, I need to hear from You. 
I worship You Lord with all my heart;
Mind, strength, may Your Spirit never depart. 
Let me hear only Your voice, not that of a stranger;
I know if I can't hear from You, My life is in danger. 
Help me keep my eyes fastened upon You;
And in Your Word daily, until my life is through. 

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Miracle Grow
By Deborah Taylor

The Lord shared something that I didn’t know.
He said our praises are like Miracle Grow.
Each time we praise with all our hearts,
Our blessings grow,  more He imparts.

Just try it once and you will see,
Your roots will grow into a tree.
Before you know or even see,
The tree will grow and be mighty.

Remember the tree in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
It grew so large, it reached heaven supreme.
His tree was cut down because of his pride.
But yours will keep growing, if you let Him guide.

Remember each time you send up your praise,
Your blessings are watered, soon you’ll be amazed.

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


He Will Make A Way
By Deborah Taylor

 God led His children to the Red Sea,
So He could show them He’s ALMIGHTY.
Pharaoh said: “Where’s your God now?”.
Moses said: “He’ll make a way somehow”.

The people cried to Moses,
“What do we do now?”.
Some got angry, he said:
“He’ll make a way somehow”.

Moses walked to the sea,
Called on the Name of the Lord.
He put his staff in the water,
They parted by His Word.

Moses shouted to the people:
“God is with us, follow me!”.
They walked on dry ground
Through the Red Sea.

He told them to have faith,
God would deliver them.
Pharaoh commanded his armies
To run after them.

The armies of Pharaoh
Charged through the Red Sea.
When Israel got to the other side,
God drowned Pharaoh’s army.

Moses told them:
“God delivered us from slavery;
We must trust and follow Him,
We’ve only begun our journey”.

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


God Is For Us
By Deborah Taylor

HE was with the three men,
Thrown into the fire;
The king ordered the temp
Turned up seven times higher.

HE showed up in the fire,
For everyone to see;
Even the king shook,
When He saw The Almighty.

HE was with the Prophet Daniel,
When they threw him in the den;
He was surrounded by lions,
But they couldn’t touch him.

HE was with Joseph,
When they threw him in the pit;
HE raised him to the palace,
Even Potipher was glad of it.

If God be for us,
Who can be against us?
HE will be with you,
When times are perilous.

HE will finish what HE started,
HE is in charge;
If we lead souls to HIM,
Our reward will be large.

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Pride Goes Before Destruction
By Deborah Taylor

Pride goes before destruction,
A haughty spirit before a fall;
If you don’t believe that,
Look at King Saul.

He was a humble man,
Before he became king;
Then he was filled with pride,
And lost his anointing.

He tore Samuel’s garment,
The Prophet who anointed him;
He killed the priests of the Lord,
And sought a witch with Jonathan.

Then David became King,
A humble shepherd boy;
He was brave and heroic,
Goliath he did destroy.

Then he committed adultery,
With Bathsheba, his friend’s wife;
Plotted the death of Uriah,
This sin cost his first son’s life.

The sword never left his house,
He suffered much humiliation;
Heartbreak, ridicule,
Death and condemnation.

Look at America today,
Pride and arrogance everywhere;
Evil and shameless behavior,
Nobody seems to care.

But the Lord will soon return,
Judgment Day will soon come;
I pray America repents,
For being a godless nation.

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Many Are The Afflictions
By Deborah Taylor

Many are the afflictions,
Of the Righteous;
But our rewards for suffering
Will be glorious.

Once I died on a table,
In an Urgent Care;
I was gone for 20 minutes,
But I didn’t make it there.

I remember waking up
As the doctor screamed at me;
She was hysterical,
I just woke up angry.

I didn’t make it to heaven,
I didn’t see or hear;
I only felt HIS Presence
Drawing me near.

I remember thinking:
What about Mom and Sis;
But I felt such peace,
There was no sadness.

It was like HE said to me
I’ve got it under control;
I had peace like a river,
Just HIM and my soul.

It wasn’t my time to go,
So I had to wake up;
HE had work for me to do,
So every day I suit up.

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Keep Dreaming
By Deborah Taylor

Joseph told his brothers:
“What you meant for evil;
God did it for good,
To save our people”.

Joseph got the favor,
And the victory;
Because of his pure heart,
And his humility.

He forgave them all,
He refused to be bitter;
He was like the Lord,
He wasn’t a quitter.

He trusted God,
And waited on Him.
God gave him a dream,
A revelation.

He died to self,
Kept his eyes on the Lord;
No matter what happened,
Doubt he couldn’t afford.

God has plans for us all,
So the enemy will attack.
He doesn’t want you to succeed,
But God always has your back.

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


God's Word Is Not Void
By Deborah Taylor

God’s Word shall not
Return to Him void.
His Word is truth,
It shall never be destroyed.

The devil is a liar,
He wants you to doubt
God’s promises,
To keep you down and out.

If you read God’s Word,
And it speaks to you:
Stand on that promise,
Until your dream comes true.

No matter what you need,
Or what you’re praying for;
There is nothing He can’t do,
Keep knocking on the door.

He told us to Ask,
Seek and to knock;
When the answer comes,
Don’t be in shock.

Have faith and believe,
He answers every prayer.
Some answers take longer,
Don’t fall into despair.

Sometimes He says wait,
And we must be still;
The best we can ask for
Is His perfect will.

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Why Worry
By Deborah Taylor

Why worry,
When you can pray?
Life’s too short,
To waste away.

God is in charge
Of every detail.
Trust in Him,
He cannot fail.

He already knows
Your every need;
Just give it to Him,
And let Him lead.

He promised to supply
All of your needs;
You can’t earn it,
By good deeds.

Just take Him
At His Word;
Be patient and know,
Your prayer He heard.

All your worry
Won’t change a thing;
Call on God,
He’s been waiting.

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Is God In All Your Thoughts?
By Deborah Taylor

If your thoughts are on your past,
Mourning a thing that didn’t last;
The enemy is gaining a hold,
You are bound in a stronghold.

If you’re obsessed with anyone,
Your heart is not where it should be,
You are offending the ALMIGHTY.

If you are always wishing for things,
Discontent with what HIS Goodness brings;
You won’t have the best He wants to give,
Because you chose another life to live.

If you are ungrateful to the core,
Why should God give you more?
Be thankful for the little things,
He’ll deliver more on angel’s wings.

Our GOD is very jealous, you see,
He doesn’t take your scorn lightly.
He knows our thoughts from far away,
He must be first in our lives each day.

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Father, Please Forgive Me
By Deborah Taylor

Father, Please forgive
My complaints and discontent;
The only thing I deserve
Is your swift judgment.

Forgive my impatience
And my lack of trust;
Forgive my selfishness,
Forgive my fleshly lust.

Forgive my bad attitude,
My un-forgiving heart;
Forgive me if I’ve hurt someone,
Don’t let them fall apart.

Forgive me if I’ve been unkind,
Behaved disrespectfully;
I only want the world to see
Your SON when they look at me.

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Surrender All Control
By Deborah Taylor

When you feel all alone,
Forsaken by everyone;
With no one else to talk to,
Don’t forget His SON.

You’re right where He wants you to be,
He’s got your attention.
He draws you near and holds you,
Takes you to another dimension.

That’s when He speaks to you,
And heals your broken heart;
He loves you more than you know,
He has set you apart.

He wants you all to Himself,
He doesn’t like to share;
He loves you so very much,
There’s no love to compare.

If you give Him all your love,
Heart, mind and soul;
You won’t believe the miracles,
When you surrender all control.

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Get Your Praise On
By Deborah Taylor

Based on Psalms 42.11: Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God. 

Are you under attack?
Are things not going right?
Are you worn, frustrated,
Too tired to even fight?

That’s the best time, 
To “get your praise on.”
Start praising His Name, 
Put worship music on. 

If you don’t have strength, 
To sing Him a song;
Just call on Jesus’ Name, 
Then it won’t be long. 

You’ll feel the burdens, 
Lift from your shoulders;
God’s peace will fill you, 
The battle will be over. 

(© 2015 Deborah Taylor  – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)

NOTE: The Holy Spirit gave me this poem in April, 2015. It was posted on several poetry sites last year. Many people have commented on the fact that Pastor Matthew Hagee & his band CANTON JUNCTION just happen to be on a GET YOUR PRAISE ON TOUR this year, 2016. That is only confirmation to me that God is going to get my book, dedicated to JHM, published this year and it will be a blessing! GLORY TO GOD! 

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