Christian Short Stories
God's Little Apple Tree

God's Little Apple Tree
By Jay Miller

Jay is a writer of children's books. You can check out his website at All God's Critters

When you were young I earthed you.
I gave you a place to call home.
You spread your branches and flourished.
You were never alone.
For a scarecrow stood there beside you, to keep the birds away.
He did his best to protect you, until that sad certain day.
The clouds began to gather.
The winds began to blow.
Your trunk split open, you broke away, and why you went down I don't know?
I turned away and forgot you, as you lay flat on the ground.
You wept, you suffered, till found.
I saw the green in the springtime.
I stood you back up and then.
You started to flourish, again spreading branches; God restored your life again.
Stand and bask in his glory.
Show your gifts that you offer with praise.
You will live to bear much fruit for him.
He'll protect you the rest of your days.

(© 2009 Jay Miller – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)

You can find Jay's books at our Christian Children's Store. They make great Christmas gifts. Kids love books!

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