What is God's Glory?
By John Miller
Christians often speak of God’s glory in different ways, placing different emphasis on this blessed attribute of Almighty God. So often, the word “glory” is used in everyday conversations, with little awareness of its deeper meaning in relation to our Father in Heaven; our Savoir Jesus Christ.
The Holy Bible (KJV) used the word “glory” 402 times and it has been used countless times and ways in Christian and secular writings. Likewise, it has been defined in many ways with varied context.
The question here is, “what is God’s Glory?” The answer is by no means complete, since man cannot fully or satisfactorily define this awesome, consuming attribute of God. This writer joins the many hundreds of thousands who have made a feeble attempt to define God’s Glory in some small way, in hopes that future generations may be encouraged to meditate even more deeply on its meaning in their lives.
God’s Glory
It is a weighty, intrinsic substance of divine recognition, unmatched in any form of highest honor; a uniquely, divine light that illuminates the Creator of the entire universe, revealing the infinite, indescribable beauty, goodness and holiness of God Almighty.
Its intrinsic substance exalts our God beyond all comprehension and imagination of man. Man’s greatest attempt at obedience, adoration and good deeds cannot adequately manifest God’s glory.
It is the encompassed wholeness of our One God of power, wisdom, faithfulness, mercy and incomprehensible love; of infinite forgiveness and reconciliation; of the Lamb of God; of the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ on the Cross; of our Risen Redeemer; of divine providence and unimaginable generosity; of immeasurable, saving grace.
Glory enwraps Our One God. It belongs entirely to the Sovereign God, King of Kings and Savior of all Creation. It is an inseparable part of His divine being.
It is a glory that is clearly seen of our God by the heavenly saints and proclaimed by the angels. We earthly mortals join them in this song of praise:
“Holy, Holy, Holy is the God Almighty, all honor and glory is yours alone, all glory is yours, O Lord.”
It is that weighty, intrinsic substance of God’s presence in Jesus Christ that believers may bask in, until they are called home to experience the fullness of God’s glory in its entire splendor.
(© 2012 John Miller – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)
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